Monday, May 18, 2015

Mini Task: Ethnic and Social Composition

Ethnic and Social Composition

After walking through the Moabit area, it provided some clues as to what population lived there. The signs above are examples of non-german population as the sign in the right is a Vietnamese restaurant and the salon on the left looks to be Turkish. Both located on Gotzkowskystrasse.

Another common image in this area are the Halal symbol, as seen on the left in the image above. Halal meaning is related to the preparation of meat by Muslim law which also indicates the international population of this area. This can be seen on a number of restaurants and grocery stores in the area. Located at Turmstrasse 43.

With the clues above as well as a restaurant such as this it seems likely that a large portion of this population would be either Muslim, Lebanese or of other middle eastern descent. Falafel Humbaba was located on Turmstrasse.
This is an example of a Muslim butcher also found on the corner of Turmstrasse.This is another example of the non-German population in this neighbourhood.

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