Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Die Wiesenburg

 Die Wiesenburg is located in the area of Wedding Berlin. During 1895 there was not enough capacity for homeless people in the city of Berlin. Therefore, the Die Wiesenburg was founded based off of the help of those who could provide funding (e.g. rich industries and wealthy people). Built in 1896, the main aim for the building was to provide shelter for the homeless on the account that they followed certain rules when using its protection. Some of these rules included no gambling with card, no staying later then 12 hours, and no drunken misconduct.

Within the Die Wiesenburg, people from the streets were provided with food, hygienic utilities, as well as heat in the winter. The structure of the building was designed to accommodate a comfortable environment for the individuals who stayed there. The roof to the entrance was built high within the halls as the individuals were not used to low roofs as well as each sleeping hall was equipped with 70 beds which were easier to clean. Individuals were not required to give their name so the workers weren’t able to give police the names of those that stayed there. In 1933 the building was turned into a factory for dying flags for the Nazi’s as the Olympics were held in 1936. The building also remained stable after the bombings of World War Two.

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