Friday, May 22, 2015

Heydrich and Eichmann

When I first sat down in front of the flowchart of the individuals present at the Wannsee Conference I picked out Reinhard Heydrich and Adolf Eichmann immediately. It was interesting that the tour guide then mentioned that those were the two most common people to be singled out of the flow chart. Heydrich was the front runner of the Wannsee Conference. He was the man who contacted most of the other individuals present at the conference to have the meeting in the first place. One of those individuals was Eichmann. Eichmann played the role of organizing the deportation of Jews at the Wannsee conference. He escaped to Argentina after the war until 1962 were he was captured and brought to Palestine. In Palestine he was tried and sentenced to death by hanging. Eichmanns capture and trial has become a monumental moment in history. 


Unknown said...

Eichmann was captured and sentenced late in his life. There was also just recently an elderly man who was suspected to be guilty of Nazi crimes who was not charged due to his age and condition. Do you think these people should be charged and sentenced later if life for crimes they committed during a World War?

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

I think by this point it is too late to prosecute those who committed crimes during the world wars. These people would be so old that they may not be able to remember what they did exactly. They have also lived so much of thier life already that taking thier last days away would also be a crime.