Thursday, May 21, 2015

The Documentation Centre and the Wall

Reflect on the historical significance of the Wall and the way it is represented in the exhibits of the documentation center. Consider the type of exhibits, the questions and themes and individuals represented

The Documentation Center and the struggle with the Berlin Wall elicited a feeling of admiration and joy from within me. Within the Documentation Center, the individuals on either side of the wall and their stories were of the greatest significance to me. I cannot imagine being stuck behind a wall and being force to live under the conditions that they did. For the people to continuously attempt to escape or help others escape takes courage, especially when the stakes were so high. It is for this reason that I feel an admiration for the people behind the wall as well as those on the other side trying to help. I also feel a sense of joy as well when you see the people of East Berlin pass peacefully through the wall during its fall. It gives me hope in humanity as a whole when you also see the Berliners call it a ‘peaceful revolution’ in one of the exhibits. What these individuals did during this time of oppression is a historically significant event in my opinion as it shows that people can take actions on both sides to correct something that is inherently wrong and work together and eventually come to a peaceful solution.  


Unknown said...

Was there any particular exhibit that opened your eyes about the treachery that was the wall?

Robert B said...

I think the mere presence of the double cobblestones and the portion of the wall that is still standing really got me thinking. As I write this comment now, I can see the double cobblestone line out of my window. It is hard to imagine what it must of been like, but building a wall to keep people in is not right in my mind. Thankfully people can work together and overcome this kind of treachery.

Unknown said...

That's a very fair point. I can only image what it would have been like 40 years ago looking out your window only to see that wall looming in the street.