Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May 18th field question: The Berlin Conference, shaping Africa

May 18th field question

        The Berlin Conference played an instrumental role in the shaping of modern Africa and explains a great deal about why the continent struggles, economically, politically and socially.  The Berlin Conference decided the borders of the country in Africa.  These borders where made with very little regard for the African people. 
        African nations and that is nations in the sense of a cultural group not in the sense of a political entity, where greatly and negatively affected by the decisions made at the Berlin Conference.  The political boundaries that were drawn were based on European imperial land claims rather than the reality of African life.  Traditional trade routes were cut off, nations were separated, and nations that despised each other were forced to share a pen.  
        These borders work fine for the purposes of Europeans and their settlers.  For them these borders represented the areas where they could act and this gave them a clearly defined area of operations.  For people that just want new territory with which to work, this method of “nation building” works fine.  However the peoples of Africa had their own unmarked territories and their own ways of doing things.  By placing these borders, things like nations being divided and nomadic patterns being disturbed became genuine concerns.  Especially since African people's were scarcely consulted, this was because the Berlin Conference was not about them.  Rather it was about European colonial claims. 
Michalopoulos, Stelio, and Elias Papaioannou. "The Long-Run E ff ects of the Scramble for Africa." Last modified January 2011. Accessed May 18, 2015.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If they would have consulted any Africans during this conference do you think they would have listened to thier opinions? I think they would not have as it was all about having territory to control. Unfortunately the little guy is seldom paid attention to.