The Berlin wall is a major component to the city of Berlin. Although the wall is no longer in use, remains of the wall are scattered through out the city, as well as the rest of the word. In the documentation center there are slides with pictures of peices of the wall from around the world. Below, the picture on the left is a rock on mars that is named "the wall" after the Berlin Wall. On the right is a slide with a piece of the wall that lies in California, along with some other slides that are available to visitors.

One of the features that the documentation center provides is an outline of a former church that bordered the wall. The church was on the eastern side and was torn down in 1985. The spire that was on top of the church fell off while the church was being destroyed and people managed to hide the spire until the fall of the wall in 1989. A metal border outlining where the church originally stood is in place for viewers to see. A new church was been reconstructed in commemoration of the original church.
Original Spire from the church
Borders of original church
The documentation center explains to viewers through photography, installations, interactions, and exhibits how the Berlin wall was erected, lives of citizens of East Berlin, escapes, and how the wall eventually came down in 1989. The following pictures are taken in the documentation center to get a bettter idea of the documentation center and the wall
Stories of two people who managed to escape East Berlin. The center
gives a brief explanation of their stories and items that they were
wearing when they crossed over.
A wall with brief histories from civilians with various backgrounds who lived in East Berlin
A preserved piece of the Berlin wall
Nicknamed Stalin's grass. Used on to prevent people from jumping over the wall.
Left: President Kennedy Visiting Berlin. Right: East Berlin mayor announces no wall will be built.
Visitors can leave a message or draw in a book for the center to display. Left: my artwork that I left in the book. Right: display of messages/artwork other people have left in the book at the center.
I particularly found the piece about locations of the Berlin Wall around the world interesting. I had no idea that there was a rock on Mars called this. Was there anything that you found really interesting?
I found the entire exhibition interesting. The Berlin wall is a fascinating subject to me. I chose to post these aspects of the Center because I found them interesting. One thing I will add is that I found all the individual stories very touching and I think they enhanced this experience for me.
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