Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Transportation-Mini Task 2

Throughout the day we went on many fun adventures. However, in order to get to these adventures, we had to find a means of transportation. Thankfully, Berlin has plenty of options from getting to one place or another. Some of these options include the S-Bahn, U-Bahn, bus and tram. We ended up experiencing all of these options in order to get to our destinations.

To start off the day we took the U-bahn  (U2) from Spittlemarkt to Klosterstr. Thank goodness we didn’t end up as lost as we did the previous night.


Once we were finished at Alexander Platz we took the S-Bahn (S7) to springpfuhl.

We then transferred onto a tram (M8) from Springpfuhl to Ahrensfelde. This tram was extremely hot due to the fact that it did not have air conditioning.

 Next it was off to the S-Bahn (S7) again from Springpfuhl to Jannowitzabrucke. Where we got a tad bit lost and ended up on a bus.

We then took bus 248 from Lichtenberger Street to our hotel stop, Spittlemarkt.

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